Cleft Lip Camouflage

Scars from breat implants and breat cancer surgery can be successfully camouflaged through a paramedical process that Victoria learned in Los Angeles. Areola and nipple restoration are frequently done with pigment implantation, however the scars are permanently repigmented using MCA, NOT ARTIFICIAL PIGMENTS. As far as we know, Victoria is the only technician in the Portland Metropolitan area who has been trained in this process. Have a look at the before and after photos if you are considering this proceesure...You will be amazed at the results!

Before Proceedure
After Proceedure

Keep in mind this is DIRECTLY after the proceedure so their is some swelling and discoloration.
Within a few weeks, this woman's areolas looked natural and beautiful.
Also notice the horizontal scars are more camouflaged now.

Click here to contact Victoria and find out what's right for you!